FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)源自德国,是著名的、居于领先地位的无功(滤波)补偿及能源管理专业公司,FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)也是全球主要的电能质量和效率能源设备包括电力电容器、无功(滤波)补偿装置、滤波器、能源管理 (节能)系统及解决方案供应厂商之一,积累了许多创新型的专业技术及产品发展理念。
经过多年持续的发展,FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)的产品涉及运用于所有工业领域如电力、制造、建筑、实验室等等。
基于FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)德国品牌和品质的保证,我们的客户包括众多世界著名公司如Siemens,ABB,LS, Panasonic,GE,VW等,我们还自豪的是:至今FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)仍是一些欧洲极著名的电容器制造厂和专业电能质量公司的OEM供应商!
FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)最主要目标首先是充分关注质量控制,FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)以国际最新的质量标准为目标,坚持以德国最高的标准设计与制造我们的产品,使之更安全可靠的运用,特别是在将欧洲先进技术适合中国实际使用条件方面,具有卓越及成功的经验。其次是提供最好的产品性价比,FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)总是为用户带来更好的价值。
WUXI FRANKE GMKP ENERGY是FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)的全资公司,位于中国无锡国家高新技术产业开发区内, 是率先在中国推广无功 (滤波)补偿概念及综合能源管理理念的启蒙者。她可以为用户特别是亚太地区用户提供我们业务范围内的所有无功 (滤波)补偿产品、装置及能源管理系统产品和环保型电能质量和相关节能解决方案,并提供持续而最可靠的服务。
近年来,着眼于全球效率能源的需求,FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)发展了和效率能源关联的智能电网产品,包括智能电网数据系统、智能输电连接系统、智能开关系统和新能源配套产品等,以加强和用户面向未来的发展,FRANKE GMKP ENERGY (FGE)将继续成为您全球范围内最可靠的伙伴。
FRANKE GMKP is a leading company on the design, manufacturing and marketing of Power Factor Correction, Energy Management and Intelligent Power Efficiency with a German Brand Quality.
Many years of continuous technology development leads FRANKE GMKP to become one of the world’s best quality and solution provider of Power Quality and Energy Efficient System, as well as all needed components and devices.
Famous for our high German technology standard, FRANKE GMKP became an international operating company with relationships with distributors, manufacturers and administrative centers in Germany, England, China, India, Turkey, Italy, Hong Kong and many more. We serve customers in more than 30 countries including Siemens, ABB, GE, VW, Panasonic, Toyota etc. we are also proud to be an important supplier of many world famous brand-capacitor manufacturers for their OEM production.
All our products are not only designed according to the highest international standards and certificates, FRANKE GMKP also focuses on highest customer satisfaction, reliability and system integrity. FRANKE GMKP’s system of quality assurance was approved by the highest international standards. Customer service is a top priority to us, and we always strive to provide comprehensive and versatile support and establish a mutually beneficial, long term corporation and partnership. Moreever, FRANKE GMKP is able to provide individual solutions up on customers' request.
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